Thursday, September 29, 2011

New Purse for Mom

I was trying to decide what to post this week. I have several crafts that I have done in the past that I could write about, but I wanted to make something new. As I was working on a toile for a new fall Jacket (stay tuned and I will post that project in a few weeks), I decided to make myself a new purse out of some beautiful scraps I had left over from a diaper bag I made for my good friend Charlotte. I didn't want something fancy, just something cute and a bit smaller than the one I have now. So here it is!

Like I said, nothing fancy, but the thing that I am really proud of is the little bow on the shoulder strap! I couldn't get a great picture of it, and I forgot to change my thread before I made the ribbon, but I still love it. Here are the pictures I took of the bow and I hope you can see it.

 Now, you may ask yourself, "Why is this bow so great?" Well, it is because it was a totally original idea for me. I have said it before, I am not creative. I can follow someone else's instructions, and maybe even ad lib a bit to make it more "me" but I rarely have ideas of my own. But, this was me!!

Here is what happened, since it is made out of scraps, I had to make do with the amount of fabric I had so the strap turned out to be an odd length. It was too short to be an across the body strap, but too long to just sit on my shoulder. So I needed to shorten the strap. Unfortunately, I am lazy. I didn't want to take the bag apart just to shorten the strap. So I thought about making a square bow just to shorten the strap, but I couldn't figure out how to make it lay flat. Then it hit me, make a ribbon and tie the top layer in the center and make a bow!!! I am so excited because it turned out GREAT. I mean, besides the contrasting thread on the ribbon, but I even kinda like that.  Here is one more picture of Ruby modeling my new purse!!

 And just one last picture so that the little man doesn't feel left out.

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