Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fall Jacket!!

The last time I was at my favorite fabric store the Fancy Tiger I was noticing that I have almost all of Amy Butlers patterns. I have at least 10 of the ones they have available at Fancy Tiger. Anyway, a few weeks ago I bought another Amy Butler pattern on sale for $8!

The liverpool. I loved the look of it and I knew I wanted to make it, but i could never find fabric that I thought would look good. Until I found this . . .
Isn't it beautiful?!! I had to wait until I had a coupon because this is actually home dec fabric and therefore expensive. But with a 50% off coupon I was good to go. And I have to say I think it turned out pretty good!!

Wow, I kinda look like a dork. Oh Well. Since the pattern was really for a shirt, I made it one size bigger. That way I can wear something under it and not have it be too tight. One thing I would change is that I am going to add pockets. Pockets were not included because it really is a shirt, but for a jacket, I am forever reaching for pockets.

Anyway, I made this on Saturday. The hardest part really was cutting everything out. Once you get sewing, it goes together really easy!! Thank you Amy Butler for easy to read patterns!

Lastly, I received a new book in the mail and I am so excited about it. I did have a dream about it already. So look for lots of posts from this new book. You can buy it here!
Looking forward to posting pictures of my little man in some cool clothes I made him. Here is a preview . . .
not the most willing model but he is still cute!!

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